As summer winds down and a beginning of a new school year continues I am taking a moment to thank and show love to the children that I was fortunate enough to work with through out the summer. With the collaboration of C.U.D.A. & The Jersey City Recreation Department I as able to interact and introduce some of the fundamental ideas of Breakin' aka Breakdancing better known as Bboying & Bgirling ( Break Boys & Break Girls: people who participate in the dance of Breakin' ) . Thank you for sharing your time and taking on the challenge of learning something new as I did as well. Keep it going and stay positive. A special thank you to: Jersey City Department of Recreation, Jersey City P.S. 15, Kushan Patel, Gi Jane aka Ground Intellect ( Rossana Villaflor ) , Mr. Pinder aka BBoy GrandPa, also to BBoy SuPaMan, Bboy Lil Vic, and BBoy Righteous. CYPHER IN THE HOOD FINAL8 PROPHET BREAKS KRU VS T K ONE INTE-GREAT A look Inside The Cypher of what goes on while we are Rockin in the circles. For more info visit: Facebook: Henry Rival Vijande Facebook: Instagram: Rockinwithrival Instagram : BboyBgirlLifestyle Twitter: Rockinwithrival
Check it out ! The TIE BREAKERS of Cypher In The Hood 2016 Finals ( Prelims ) FINAL 8 up soon . Thank you all for your continued support! Enjoy! Chris Smooth NATURAL BORN KILLAHZ vs Lekz Luthor TRUE AGGRESION CREW & Spydey DYNAMIC ROCKERS vs Bugy FREAKQUENCY A look Inside The Cypher of what goes on while we are Rockin in the circles. For more info visit: Facebook: Henry Rival Vijande Facebook: Instagram: Rockinwithrival Instagram : BboyBgirlLifestyle Twitter: Rockinwithrival
Kids Putting In Work #1 X Bboy Bgirl Lifestyle X ROCKIN WITH RIVAL Video clips of kids learning and obtaining their goals within the dance of Breakin' aka Breakdancing better known as BBOYING & BGIRLING. Break Boy JD Learning Windmills For more info visit: Facebook: Henry Rival Vijande Facebook: Instagram: Rockinwithrival Instagram : BboyBgirlLifestyle Twitter: Rockinwithrival Check it out ! This is our 4th battle of Cypher In The Hood 2016 Finals ( Prelims ) FINAL 8 up soon . Thank you all for your continued support! Enjoy! SūpAMan vs T K One This is our 3rd battle of our Cypher in The Hood Prelims that took place on August 20, 2016. Enjoy Spydey vs Bugy |
Our Dance of Breaking, defined by:World Bboy Bgirl
NewsAll ages Hip Hop Dance Fitness & Toning Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking aka Breakdancing Classes & Lessons A Pivotal Era
bbgl apparelArchives
December 2024
Functioning since November 2009 - 2025. Nothing But Knowledge, LLC. currently functioning as BBOY BGIRL LIFESTYLE
*All music used on our page , video clips, in facility and in our presence is used under Fair Use for purposes of listening, and learning of us through dance. The music we use to dance is for self educational purpose of self knowledge on how to move to sound in a particular way i.e thru Breaking, bboying, Bgirling . We are not claiming any music or selling the music at all.
We share knowledge of the dance of Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking, Going off, etc... |
Site Title | Bboy bgirl Lifestyle Empowerment Blog |
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