Mindful of everyone's decision At this point idk. I respect everyone's decision enough not to argue your right.
![]() With all the things that are going on, we keep going. What do we do? Has the idea of a call out in a circle been changed or could it be that what was once something common amongst people in the community now turned into something that may have a lot more meaning to it then what I knew it as? Yes sometimes those situations can get out of hand or get too REAL , where it's no longer a dance but a mere ideal to survive, life or death. Everyone has their own interpretation of what happens in a circle. These are some of the same ideas we all talk about. When the idea of peace love and having fun gets manipulated by everyday experiences that are way to close for comfort, the ideas we once had of something changes. What one person can see as an exchange of skills out of respect for the dance and it participants. Another person can see it other wise. We can easily discredit someone from their interpretation to not want to engage in the dance communication. Sometimes the idea of not responding to a call out or not even getting involved in that atmosphere may be because our up bringing / or experiences dictate a different response. In America a thumbs up can mean good job as in some parts of the world it can mean something else. Word. Thanks to People who communicate thru what is sometimes not seen, a conversation. MAYBE SOME HOW WHAT ALOT OF PEOPLE OBJECT TO "THE COMMERCIAL COMPETITION" MAY BE THE EQUAL MEDIAN WHERE PEOPLE CAN EXCHANGE SKILLS KNOWING ITS JUST THAT. Idk Respect. Peace
Our Dance of Breaking, defined by:World Bboy Bgirl
NewsAll ages Hip Hop Dance Fitness & Toning Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking aka Breakdancing Classes & Lessons A Pivotal Era
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December 2024
Functioning since November 2009 - 2025. Nothing But Knowledge, LLC. currently functioning as BBOY BGIRL LIFESTYLE BboyBgirlLifestyle.com
*All music used on our page , video clips, in facility and in our presence is used under Fair Use for purposes of listening, and learning of us through dance. The music we use to dance is for self educational purpose of self knowledge on how to move to sound in a particular way i.e thru Breaking, bboying, Bgirling . We are not claiming any music or selling the music at all.
We share knowledge of the dance of Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking, Going off, etc... |
Site Title | Bboy bgirl Lifestyle Empowerment Blog |
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