Soul, thoughts, feelings, emotions. Grind, development, provide. Motivate, humbling, brain chitter chatter. Experience, moments, reflect. Timeout, redirect, carry on, Rest & Repeat. Ritual. Regards, Rival Be in tune with yourself, that will connect you to the beat that matters!
There is a reality of the things that do happen around us that some people mask in order to continue on their day to day. Some people get involved others may not get involved with what is not on their plate . Some people look for positive solutions to better a situation others do other wise . All in all every step we take and choice we take should be clearly thought *but the reality of the clutter of things that happen around us is real. One second you can be making positive choices for positive outcomes but you forget to turn off your stove completely in the hustle of your reality. Only to come back to either find your place burned down or walk thru the doors to realize you left the stove on with something still burning on the stove. With all the lessons learned and still to learn no one knows it all, nor any one given moment is the end all. Someone may want to end your life or you vice versa. You may say F*&#K it all or bring it on. The circle of life continues. Moments may repeat or not, I work on staying grounded consciously and physically . Embrace and disregard as needed. Regards, Rival "Be in tune with yourself, that will connect you to the beat that matters!" |
Our Dance of Breaking, defined by:World Bboy Bgirl
NewsAll ages Hip Hop Dance Fitness & Toning Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking aka Breakdancing Classes & Lessons A Pivotal Era
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December 2024
Functioning since November 2009 - 2025. Nothing But Knowledge, LLC. currently functioning as BBOY BGIRL LIFESTYLE
*All music used on our page , video clips, in facility and in our presence is used under Fair Use for purposes of listening, and learning of us through dance. The music we use to dance is for self educational purpose of self knowledge on how to move to sound in a particular way i.e thru Breaking, bboying, Bgirling . We are not claiming any music or selling the music at all.
We share knowledge of the dance of Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking, Going off, etc... |
Site Title | Bboy bgirl Lifestyle Empowerment Blog |
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