Hello, I am Henry Vijande aka Rival.
I am raising funds for our BBOY BGIRL COMMUNITY. Not simply for people who have attempted the dance , but more so for people that live it as a lifestyle. I decided to do this campaign for all of us in the BBOY BGIRL COMMUNITY to continue helping each other not only during tragic moments in life, more so as a readiness, awareness, and community sponsorship campaign. This gofundme account is to give light to everyone in and out of our community. I want to give everyone the opportunity to see us uplift each other not only with rewards but also with the opportunity to know that with our positive actions "WE HAVE EACH OTHERS' BACK!" Communicating with people in our Bboy Bgirl community about this campaign many people are for it yet skeptical that others may not believe or trust what is going on. In order for our community to get to know me and our group, since 2007 we have put together events & gatherings in our community. I have done so in the efforts for people to get a chance to work with me & our group to notice the transparency in our actions. In 2010 I opened up a solely BBOY BGIRL dance school with the help of our group and community members to sustain it for 3 years. These experiences have led me to this current campaign that will benefit not only our local community but our worldwide community. If you are wondering what a BBOY or BGIRL is let me explain. The term BBOY (Break Boy) BGIRL (Break Girl) is a person, male or female, that performs the urban dance of "Bboying, Bgirling, Going off, Breaking, etc". (often described by the miss educated as Break dancing.) The funds we are raising are to continue the growth of our community. For the last 20 years I have been an active practitioner of this dance. I have learned about some of its history, origins, foundations, and am witnessing it current evolution. Our community has been a self sustaining world wide community. We have created different avenues in which we have been able to continue our passion, give back to our communities, all the while using the dance as a tool to make a living i.e thru Outreach programs, Performances, Sporting events, & Workshops. We are a community that is fortunate enough to still be around the pioneers of this dance. We have also experienced tragic moments to members of our community. Sometimes it is not until these sort of things happen, that people come together to help each other out. Still to this day our community creates gatherings to carry on the tradition of social unity. In October of 2007, we created a Local event called CYPHER IN THE HOOD ( CYPHA IN DA HOOD ). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9Kef5vcXaI The meaning of Cypher in the Hood is a gathering of community people coming together for the same cause. This event gives a chance for us like minded Bboys & Bgirls to come together at an event that is FOR US and BY US. At our events we continue to spread the message of UNITY this dance and the elements of HIP HOP continue to do. This is not to say that we are the only people doing these sort of things. Currently for the last 5 months we have been fortunate enough to put together and host this continued gathering in support of our community. Creating a platform for many people to chime in with their ideas and passions. Here is an example of what a member in our community was able to demonstrate at our event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLnUOvis6mA It was not until a few days ago that I decided to launch the MAJOR WORLD WIDE BBOY BGIRL COMMUNITY Gofundme campaign. A place/community where we the bboy bgirl community can reach out to without feeling like asking for help is being "negatively" needy or that someone will be taken advantage of in any way. The funds gathered within the first thirty days will be divided into a few different ways. Initially it will be to help support everyone involved in the production of our event Cypher in the Hood. Be it for rental fees, compensation to all staff members, and also for participants involved in our Friendly Competition. Secondly, since we have been able to host these events for the last 5 months consecutively, we would like to put a portion away to guarantee we will repeat this gathering annually . Offering everyone involved the opportunity to consistently grow from their previous experience and make it better. Thirdly, we would like to be able to offer Bboys & Bgirls the opportunity of having some sort of insurance for what they do. In the beginning it will be towards a selective few due to our financial means. Ultimately we would like to help all Professional Bboys & Bgirls with this opportunity. Fourth, retain a portion of the funds for the opportunity to offer sponsorship to the people involved and people we consider are eligible for our assistance. Be it financial sponsorship during times of need on a per instance basis. The opportunity to support other events, activities, people, and organizations financially or through the provision of products or services based on their needs and our ability to help out. With our sponsorship , we would like to offer people in need who may not be able to take care of themselves with food and shelter by offering the ability to lend a helping hand in some way or another. To include in the sponsorship, the opportunities for help with proper legal assistance. This just the beginning of a 10 year initial plan that will create another movement that has been created for us by us. The initial campaign completion is by August 20th, 2016. This in an effort to outreach, & make things better for our community and yours! For more information please visit: http://rockinwithrival.weebly.com/about.html Regards and thank you all for taking the time to read about our campaign!
October 2014 I walked into a Filipino American Heritage Event. I was fully focused to enter a crew contest and footwork 7 to smoke contest. As I entered the auditorium of the School ( M.S. 4 of Jersey , NJ ) for the event I was told the the footwork battle has already started and I could not enter. While I shifted my energy now into doing the crew contest , I was mesmerized by the selection of music that was being played. Looking for the DJ I happen to notice a familiar face in our dance community. It was Rugrat. I had no idea that this Break Boy played the selection of music that he did. Since then I knew he had an acquired skill that is very imortant to our scene. WHO IS RUGGZ? "Malak 'Ruggz’ (also known as Rugrat) Williams began his journey in music at a young age. Music was always being played in his household. As a child, his father use to quiz him on old soul records about who sang and wrote the songs. Around this time he was introduced to BBoying. Ruggz began learning about music production and made music leisurely well into his early teens. Around the age of 12 he began to become intrigued by the music BBoys/Bgirls would dance too and started collecting any songs that related to the dance and has been collecting music ever since. Towards the end of his college career he began to pursue DJing and revisit music production. He eventually began to receive recognition in the New York City dance scene and has been able to DJ for parties and major competitions throughout the Tri-State Area. Having a few accomplishments under his belt such as performing on ‘The Today Show’, Ruggz wants to continue to share his love of music with anyone who is willing to listen." This Bio and much more can be found on his website www.djruggz.com WHAT IS VLM FILMS ?
"Hey was up, I am VLM FILMS. I am a cool dad that picked up the camera when my first kid was born. I got tired of spending so much money each month to develop pictures at those fast chain photo stores. So I decided to do it myself back in 2009. Didn't have money to go to those cool school's where kids throw away money to come out in debt, so I did it in a different way. With YouTube University, small work shops here and there and a lot of trial and error I began to make start my Photography, Video and Film career. Fast forward to today, we now have a huge creative photography studio, worked with some very cool people in tv and radio industry. Currently, in an effort to give back to the community I have been working with kids in my old neighborhood to educate them with the skills they need to become a better creative in the photography and video world. It's funny how saving money on a picture turned into one of Jersey's dopest photography and video companies in Hudson County. You can check out my work over at VLMFILMS.COM , @vlmfilms on instagram or drop a email at [email protected]"
Ryan Lee - VLM FILMS |
Our Dance of Breaking, defined by:World Bboy Bgirl
NewsAll ages Hip Hop Dance Fitness & Toning Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking aka Breakdancing Classes & Lessons A Pivotal Era
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December 2024
Functioning since November 2009 - 2025. Nothing But Knowledge, LLC. currently functioning as BBOY BGIRL LIFESTYLE BboyBgirlLifestyle.com
*All music used on our page , video clips, in facility and in our presence is used under Fair Use for purposes of listening, and learning of us through dance. The music we use to dance is for self educational purpose of self knowledge on how to move to sound in a particular way i.e thru Breaking, bboying, Bgirling . We are not claiming any music or selling the music at all.
We share knowledge of the dance of Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking, Going off, etc... |
Site Title | Bboy bgirl Lifestyle Empowerment Blog |
# BBOY BGIRL LIFESTYLEFully Insured Programs for Your Safety