October 2014 I walked into a Filipino American Heritage Event. I was fully focused to enter a crew contest and footwork 7 to smoke contest. As I entered the auditorium of the School ( M.S. 4 of Jersey , NJ ) for the event I was told the the footwork battle has already started and I could not enter. While I shifted my energy now into doing the crew contest , I was mesmerized by the selection of music that was being played. Looking for the DJ I happen to notice a familiar face in our dance community. It was Rugrat. I had no idea that this Break Boy played the selection of music that he did. Since then I knew he had an acquired skill that is very imortant to our scene. WHO IS RUGGZ? "Malak 'Ruggz’ (also known as Rugrat) Williams began his journey in music at a young age. Music was always being played in his household. As a child, his father use to quiz him on old soul records about who sang and wrote the songs. Around this time he was introduced to BBoying. Ruggz began learning about music production and made music leisurely well into his early teens. Around the age of 12 he began to become intrigued by the music BBoys/Bgirls would dance too and started collecting any songs that related to the dance and has been collecting music ever since. Towards the end of his college career he began to pursue DJing and revisit music production. He eventually began to receive recognition in the New York City dance scene and has been able to DJ for parties and major competitions throughout the Tri-State Area. Having a few accomplishments under his belt such as performing on ‘The Today Show’, Ruggz wants to continue to share his love of music with anyone who is willing to listen." This Bio and much more can be found on his website www.djruggz.com
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Our Dance of Breaking, defined by:World Bboy Bgirl
NewsAll ages Hip Hop Dance Fitness & Toning Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking aka Breakdancing Classes & Lessons A Pivotal Era
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Functioning since November 2009 - 2025. Nothing But Knowledge, LLC. currently functioning as BBOY BGIRL LIFESTYLE BboyBgirlLifestyle.com
*All music used on our page , video clips, in facility and in our presence is used under Fair Use for purposes of listening, and learning of us through dance. The music we use to dance is for self educational purpose of self knowledge on how to move to sound in a particular way i.e thru Breaking, bboying, Bgirling . We are not claiming any music or selling the music at all.
We share knowledge of the dance of Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking, Going off, etc... |
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