Does the power of positivity exist or is negative action a greater constant?
managing feelings in the brink of sudden moments, and experience. I was told that I show courage in being able to speak my truth about my experiences. And it's this same realization that many people have been killed, HURT, LEFT ALONE OR SOME NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCE HAS OCCURRED TO. My response IS if IT were TO OR DOES happen be it purposely, unintentionally, accidentally to someone close to me OR EVEN FAR FROM ME (MEANING ANY TYPE OF FAMILY OR FRIEND OR UNKNOWN ), EITHER WAY IT'S A BLESSING AND A VERY POSITIVE THING! CALL ME WHAT YOU WANT BUT THAT IS ME. THRU MY LIFE EXPERIENCES I HAVE COME TO REALIZE THAT EVERY POSITIVE INTERACTION I HAVE OR HAD IT HAS CREATED A POSITIVE VIBE GREATER THEN ANY NEGATIVE CAN . WHY BECAUSE I KNOW IT AND BELIEVE IT. ANY ONE WHO MAY KNOW ME OR MAY NOT, EVEN IF FAMILY MEMBERS EMBRACEs THE MESSAGE, FEELs SADDENED , ANGERED, and OR HAVE MIXED FEELINGS TO THIS. THE IDEA THAT EACH MOMENT'S POSITIVE SEED PLANTED WILL WIN THEREFORE WE ALREADY WON. NO ITS NOT TO SAY I HAVE NO FLAWS OR HAVE NOT DONE THINGS THAT ARE OR CONSIDERED WRONG, ITS SAYING I HAVE FLAWS AND I HAVE DONE WRONG AND CONSCIOUSLY & UNCONSCIOUSLY MAY CONTINUE TO IN A NORMAL HUMAN WAY. BUT TO KNOW THAT THE MOMENT I DECIDE TO KNOW A DIFFERENCE AND APPLY A CONTINUED POSITIVE SEED IN MY OWN BRAIN THAT IS EVERLASTING. This SPREADS LIKE WILD FIRE TO OTHERS WHO CHOSE TO ACCEPT IT. EVEN AS I WRITE THIS NOW IF ITS PUBLISHED, OR NOT, ERASED, SHOWN TO OTHER PEOPLE THAT POWER OF THIS THOUGHT IS GREATER THAN ANY TECHNOLOGY ,THEORY & WAY OF LIFE . GREAT ENOUGH TO REACH THE UNBORN, NEWBORN, CURRENTLY LIVING & THE NO LONGER EXISTING. I CHOOSE TO SAY I AM A FREE RADICAL IN EVERY SENSE CHOOSING TO DO WHATS RIGHT ACCEPTING THE CONSEQUENCE OF THAT RIGHT. HOW DOES THIS ALL TIE IN WITH COMMUNICATION? This is my form of effective honest communication. Lack of effective communication can lead to many different issues. These issues may be avoided if we all knew how to effectively communicate our thoughts and feelings, in order to preserve us all, not speaking solely for myself, but all of us. Yes this may be hard to believe nor am I thinking this is a perfect world where things do not just happen either good or bad. Especially if you realize that these issues come right back home to your/our family and friends. When you notice that even your children are effected and feel unhappy and don't know how to communicate because of many different thoughts that may arise a different approach to communication should be sought. This a way I think we can start listening and help each other. Because even the most negative does not enjoy the feeling when they lay their head to rest. I am not perfect nor am I claiming that certain things don't have consequences. I am human like you all, and fully capable TO ALSO BE INCAPABLE We are the ones that cause the destruction of ourselves. We are also the ones to up bring our positive results. Introducing sins shadowed by virtues & vice Versa. Lack of effective communication leading to domestic violence and other many tragic experiences. Sometimes this is not the case and it all starts with an image idea or a search for belonging, attachment, love. In which can turn around at the blink of a moment. We don't ask for things to happen to us but then want to figure it out and or create a better situation with lingering thoughts kept in the background. In communication with someone , I was told " You will never get a straight answer from me" as I mentioned , "if that was repeated to YOU what would you think ? " RESPONSE : "they would personally not care !" In reply before deciding to type this up, I said THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMUNICATION BECAUSE THAT MEANS SO MUCH MORE! ..... BE IN TUNE WITH YOURSELF THAT WILL CONNECT YOU TO THE BEAT THAT MATTERS ! REGARDS, RIVAL YO SOY PORQUE NOSOTROS SOMO....SOMO O NO SOMO I AM BECAUSE WE ARE...ARE WE OR ARE WE NOT
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Our Dance of Breaking, defined by:World Bboy Bgirl
NewsAll ages Hip Hop Dance Fitness & Toning Bboying, Bgirling, Breaking, Rocking aka Breakdancing Classes & Lessons A Pivotal Era
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December 2024
Functioning since November 2009 - 2025. Nothing But Knowledge, LLC. currently functioning as BBOY BGIRL LIFESTYLE
*All music used on our page , video clips, in facility and in our presence is used under Fair Use for purposes of listening, and learning of us through dance. The music we use to dance is for self educational purpose of self knowledge on how to move to sound in a particular way i.e thru Breaking, bboying, Bgirling . We are not claiming any music or selling the music at all.
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